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Get valuable data with loyalty CRM

Collect and store all customer data in one single platform. Unlock your growth potential by communicating in a better, more personal, and relevant way.

Loyale's Backoffice

Rewards Marketing

Our backoffice allows businesses to leverage real-time data and personalise their rewards scheme to establish good will and increase customer loyalty. Choose the right features to make your reward scheme stand out.

Profile consumers with pinpoint accuracy

Our features take you far beyond demographics, they’ve proven to increase customer lifetime value.

Connect at every possible touchpoint

Get to know your customers’ decision making processes at each stage of the purchase journey.

Reach your audience effectively

Identify your key audiences and understand how to reach them. Use insights provided as a guide for your next campaign.

Re-activate inactive consumers

There is hidden potential in your inactive customers. Our back office connects you to them to entice them to come back.


Monitor your program performance

Your dashboard will give you access to all the metrics that matter: total loyalty members, points issued, transactions, campaign open rate and more. Filter and compare by program, store or date. Generate data rich reports. All the tools to measure the success of your program.


Create powerful segments

Segments will show you exactly who your top members are at a glance, giving you all the power to drive behaviour and experiment with different communication flows.

Marketing Mix

Run more personalised campaigns

Get access to every customer interaction to personalize your campaigns. Collect data from all touchpoints – store visits, mobile usage, online transactions, tier levels, email opens, badges & more. With this 360 view of your audience, your team can tailor their channel mix and create more engaging programs.

Discover the most effective marketing tool

Loyale’s powerful automations make it easy for you to schedule recurring marketing campaigns or one-off alerts on the fly.
